A fund was set up to support the educational staff in the private schools under Law No. 660/97 dated 24/7/1997, after a long struggle by the Council of Teachers' Union in Lebanon over the ages.

The Fund's main objective is to demonstrate the spirit of cooperation and solidarity among teachers, through their interdependence with each other, in the face of the difficult social and humanitarian conditions that each individual may experience. In addition, he embraces them after their retirement and their legal age at the same time The teacher, the teacher and their family should relax in their long-term mission to build lasting generations capable of re-establishing society and the nation.

The Fund shall be governed by a Board of Directors consisting of eight members chosen by the Council of the Bar, by secret ballot, by a two-thirds majority of its members from among the teachers affiliated with the Association, who have been registered for two consecutive years, as follows:

At most three members of the Syndicate Council.

At least five outside the union council.

The Central Council of the Teachers Union in Lebanon plays the role of guardianship and supervision of all the work of the Fund and its administration, which confirms transparency and guarantees the right of the teacher.

Since its establishment until today, the Fund has performed all its duties at all levels of health and social life.

The Board of Directors of the current mutual fund under the chairmanship of Captain Nehemeh Mahfoud, Mr. Walid Grady, Rafiq Fahad, Ibrahim Maalouf, Dalal Farran, Hassani El Na'aey, Christian Khoury and Mohamed Rihan are working very hard with the Council of Teachers' Union in Lebanon and the branch councils in the union. Which contributes to the development of the Fund's contributions at all levels, especially health, which is the first concern of the Board of Directors.

Titles and Numbers of the Fund's Centers:

Beirut Central Administration: Adliya District, Sami El Solh Street, behind the Public Security Directorate, opposite the Ministry of Housing, the building adjacent to the teachers' union, 5th floor- Tel: 01/611781; 01/611782

Mount Lebanon: Jounieh, Al-Shaer, 200 meters on the right after Amwaj Center, Tel. 932349/09

North: Tripoli, Zahariya, near the ABC Karaj Phone 629459/06

South: Sidon, Al-Barad District, Al-Mansoura Building, 1st Floor, Tel: 752579/07

Bekaa: Zahle, Autostrad Industrial City, Al-Ashi Building, 4th Floor 930979/08